Nuwan Wickramasekera
Nuwan Wickramasekera

Session Information:
Dates: September 10th 2024 to March 25th 2025
When: Tuedays @ 5:30pm-6:50pm
The season will be divided into four subscription blocks:
I. Sept 10 - Oct 15 (5 sessions - $130)
NEW UPDATE: Oct 15 - Club Ice will be in session. Register using the above link.
Special Pricing - $26 for this session. Come give us a try!
II. Oct 22 - Dec 3 (6 sessions - $156) - NO ICE 11/12 - Test Session (Tentative)
III. Dec 10 - Feb 3 (6 sessions - $156) - NO ICE 12/24 - Christmas
12/31 - New Year's Eve
01/21 - Test Session (Tentative)
IV. Feb 11 - Mar 25 (4 sessions $106) - NO ICE 02/18 - Winter Break
02/25 - Test Session (Tentative)
03/25 - Test Session (Tentative)
SEASON PASS (10% Discount) - Sept 10 - Mar 25 (21 sessions $491)
Each session will be capped at 25 skaters.
To register, sign up form will open on Wednesday, August 30th, at 8pm. The first 25 members to sign up will get an email confirmation and then have 48 hours to submit payment via Zelle (or check). If payment is not made within 48 hours, we will contact members on the waitlist.
Per Diem pricing are subject to availability:
Knickerbocker Members: $32.00 per session
Non-member/ Visitor/Guest Coach: $35.00 per session
Payment accepted: Zelle to treasurer@knickerbockerfsc.com
Coaching on Club Ice:
There is no commission/fee for Knickerbocker member (full and associate) coaches to coach on Club Ice. Click here to sign up for an associate membership.
Knickerbocker member coaches may work with up to 3 students at a time.
If a coach wishes to work with a larger group of students, the coach will need to email info@knickerbockerfsc.com to get permission and is subject to board approval.
Guest Coach must sign up and email credentials to info@knickerbockerfsc.com at least one day before the session.